Hello BGNDers!!
I am so sorry that I have been MIA for almost a week....it has been utter madness over here in Beauty Girl land but in the best way possible....
However, now I am back and ready to attack! Today's topic?
Travel baby travel....
Everyone is having a hard time in this economy - it is obvious. But one industry that is truly hurting? The airlines of course! (Inevitably the first companies to have real problems in any economic downturn because of the high cost of doing business.)
Well, while this is bad news for American, Delta and the like - it can be great news for the rest of us. Anyone with $200 can fly coast to coast easily. And while we may not have $200 lying around, there are lots of places to go for a lot less. So in honor of the cheap airfares to be had - I bring you a travel themed beauty segment today. And not just any travel - more specifically - how to survive a red eye without looking like you have been on one!!
Now first things first- I know some of you have a system of sleep masks and Ambien that works just fine for you and well done. If it ain't broke.....
However, this is for the rest of you...those of you who can't or won't use the aid of a pharmaceutical.
Believe it or not, there are ways to survive a beauty challenge like a red-eye flight on very little sleep. (As we get older we all start to realize why it is called "beauty sleep"!) As long as you are prepared with the right tools, you can saunter off that plane looking not only like you had a good eight hours but that you slept on a satin pillowcase after an aromatic shower.
So here are my top 5 "rough travel" tips:
1 - Moisturizer!!!!
I cannot emphasize this enough. Airplanes and their recycled air rob you and your skin of all moisture and as we all know, nothing makes fine lines and wrinkles show up to a party like dryness. To combat this issue in the air - I have a simple approach. Carry on a facial mister of your choosing. Something that can be used easily and frequently to give your face the moisture surge it needs. You CAN find small bottles that the FAA will allow....this is my favorite.
2 - Facial cleansing wipes
Normally I do not condone the use of these because I find a use once and throw away towelette very un-green. However, when it comes to air travel these can be a lifesaver. Talk about a simple way to wipe the airplane grime off your face and get it ready to be seen. They are packaged for travel and there is no liquid involved. Sneak into the airplane bathroom before landing or hit the restroom at your destination airport and clean up with these.
Which leads me to....
3 - Did I mention moisturizer?!
Now that you have hydrated your skin the best you can in flight - what about after? Well it is simple really. Using step #2 you are creating an easy and travel friendly way to wash your face post-red eye...just like you would at home when you wake up. And when we wash- we moisturize. Make sure you use some of your FAA approved liquid ounces on a mini of your favorite moisturizer. We all know that Clinique gives out small bottles of it's magic yellow lotion like candy but here there are plenty of travel sized face lotion options at your local CVS if you are not a Clinique gal.
4 - Bring a mini make-up kit with you
Now some of you bring all your makeup on board - and if so then you are all set. If you do not - all you need in your purse is a good compact powder, a mini mascara, a pink lip gloss (which can double as a blush if need be) and a bronzer or face brightener. With these four little wonders you can create a nice enough make-up look that you will look bright eyed and bushy tailed and NOT overly done. Even if you have all your make-up at your disposal, I don't recommend piling it on. Sometimes less is more and a red-eye is one of those instances. You are just trying to look natural and fresh - and full makeup on tired skin is anything but.
5 - The most important
You may not like this one but it is the truth. Wash and moisturize your face as if you are getting ready for bed before you get on that plane and DO NOT WEAR makeup. You have to think of this plane time as your skin's rest time. If you wear makeup you are doing nothing but hurting your skin and your chances at looking halfway decent the next day. No one is looking at each other on red-eyes, people are trying to sleep. So please- I beg of you...wash and moisturize with your night time routine and then get on that plane. That way you will be somewhat fresh when you start to try to look normal after your flight.
Alright folks, I'm off on a plane myself tonight...so wish me beauty challenge travel luck!
Keep looking fabulous,