Last week Quantum of Solace, this week Twilight. Yup, it's movie madness over here in BGND land. Well, I thought this week's movie du jour was the perfect springboard for the newest trend that I have been 50% scratching my head at/50% itching with curiosity to try.

What trend you ask? Why the oh so glam (oh not so glam?) and vampire trendy black lipstick. Yup...black lipstick is not just for Halloween anymore. If you have not noticed, it has been ALL over the runways and in the magazines this fall. I have not seen many big stars out and about rocking the dark hue but you know it is just a matter of time before Gwen Stefani works it and then a succession of trend loving but not as cool starlets will try the look (Yes - you Miley Cyrus and Paris Hilton!)
Well, as I said, I am not totally sold...but for those of you brave of heart (and maybe for those of you who just want to look Alice Cullen-ish at Twilight this weekend- hehe)...here are a few tips to make the black lipstick thing work for you.
1) Do not go halfway there - go all the way. If you are going to work this lipstick, you must own it...otherwise you will just get stares.
2) Match the rest of your make-up accordingly. Don't go too sparse or you will actually look un-dead and don't go too heavy or you will look like the Elvira. You want to have even skin tone, some color to your cheeks and a present but not too smokey neutral eye look.
3) Layer it over something else to get a dark look without being too severe. My favorite for this is a deep awesome red lip color. That way the black is still present and bold but not in a costume way. Another option is to don a nude lipstick, top with black and then dab some shimmery gloss in the center of your bottom lip. Think Ziggy Stardust and glam rock.
4) Don't go out and get the premiere gold standard Yves Saint Laurent version straight out of the gate (besides it has been hard to find and in some instances sold out for months). Buy an affordable lipstick or lip gloss first and get your feet wet. Then when you love the look, go get the main attraction by YSL. Or even better? Buy a Wet n' Wild black eyeliner, line and fill those lips then swipe some clear gloss. Cheap and Chic!

5) Just try it! I am sure some of you scoffed at the black nails 3 seasons ago and now it is just an everyday color mixed in with the thousands of bottles at your nail salon....who knows...black lipstick could be the same! Maybe someday it will even be the free color you get in your Clinique gift with purchase...okay maybe not....
Keep looking fabulous!
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