You all know the song....and these days it seems like anything and everything about money is all people are talking about. Who has it, who doesn't, who has stolen it, who is trying to steal it, how to get it, how to make sure you get to keep it...on and on the list goes and where it stops- nobody knows!!
Well I don't know about you all but it is enough to make a person's head fly off their head in confusion! So today, I do my little part to address the issue of our sad little economy and then I am moving on. I am sick of talking about it and I am sure you are too- but here is a small list that can make you feel like you are doing something to save your money when it feels like there is nothing to do. All related to beauty products of course!!
1 - When things are seemingly empty....
All of our favorite products come in fabulous little containers. Problem is, when that container gets to about 80% empty it is hard to get out that last 20%- therefore throwing out 20% of the cost of that item in the trash along with that "empty" container. We all know to turn out empty shampoo bottles upside down and to use a lip brush to get the rest of the lipstick out of a tube. But my trick for all the other containers?
A good pair of scissors and/or some q-tips. If you can - cut that little flexible tube of whatever in half and store it in a Ziploc baggy. Then when you want to get at that last little bit- dip your q-tip in and get your money's worth. This works great on eye creams, serums, anything that has a small little container where product can settle in crevices. And if the container is glass, make sure to do the q-tip/Ziploc thing even if you can't cut a bigger opening. You can still scrape a lot of foundation out of a small whole if you are willing to try (think a knife in a peanut butter container).
2 - When that product seems to disappear in the blink of any eye....
Look at the back and make sure you are using the proper amount. This may seem like common sense but we all overdo the amount of product we use...you do not need a huge palm-full of shampoo if you have a Katie Holmes haircut. And while in the case of sunscreen- you are probably not using enough- nearly everything else doesn't need to be huge amounts to be effective. Think of it in terms of food- you aren't going to spread on a massive amount of mayonnaise to one slice of bread just because you have a full jar are you? (Unless you love mayo - in which case- go for it!) But you know what I mean.
3 - When you bought that shade of eyeshadow/lipstick/liner and it does not work...
Think of a trade with friends. Now I don't want to gross anyone out when it comes to sharing make-up. That is not what I am talking about here. I am talking about that lovely shade of eyeshadow that looked great at Bloomies but when you got it home just didn't work. You have not used it, but you can't return it and it is gathering dust. What is one person's trash is someone else's treasure. Call your girls, have a wine and chat night and try to swap some un-used product. You all get a mini-makeover for free!
4 - When you seem to have 10 different kinds of the same product...
Sorry to say it but long before Confessions of A Shopaholic my motto was "Do I need this?" If I already have 5 other shimmery purple eye shadows at home- I put it back. Not to say that I don't treat myself to something outlandish occasionally but I try to take stock before I buy anything. So go through your drawers at home and look at what you have. Save the good, throw out the old and really look at your products. If there are tons of things you have bought and never used- take a look at them and try them and tell yourself you have just "shopped at home". If you have too many of the same kind of thing - you don't need another. Just like when we shop for clothes- we all generally know we have a number of black pants, a number of cardigans...and yes we often buy the same thing over and over again but sometimes you have to take stock and make "the hard decision". You can do it.
5 - When you must get something new...
Step away from the make-up counter and into your local drug store. If you don't already shop there- shame on you!
So enough blah money talk my friends! This blog is for fun...not too much seriousness! But hopefully these ideas have give you hope that you can save money and still keep looking fabulous!