Thursday, May 7, 2009

Product of the week - May 7th, 2009

Man is it HOT in LA right now. I am all for nice weather but 99 degrees?! Seriously?!!

Anyhoo, all this heat and sunshine has got me thinking of one of my most trusted beauty weapons- SUNSCREEN of course! Now I know you are all sick to death of hearing it from me and every other beauty type out there but sunscreen really is the #1 thing you can do for your skin. It prevents fine lines and wrinkles and of yeah- skin cancer. It should be your best friend. So today I bring you a sunscreen related POTW.

Lubriderm Daily Moisture with SPF 15 Lotion - $8.29
(Drugstores nationwide and online at gotta tell you BGND-ers...This lotion should be your "it" product of the summer (or if you live in a sunny state- all year long.) This lotion is not only hydrating and moisturizing, it comes with an SPF 15 and miraculously it is NON-GREASY. That's right, with this miracle worker you can get your daily skin smoothness and the protection you need without feeling like you are covered in butter. Plus, when the weather gets really warm no one wants to slather on hot and greasy sunscreen on top of their lotion (ironically of course this happens when we need SPF the most).

So here is the time-saver that does it all- gets you what you need for moisture, protects you and does so in an affordable way. It really is the best of the the lotion/SPF combos out there.

I LOVE this stuff!!

Keep looking fabulous,

P.S. If you do live somewhere with lots of sunny days- you may want to consider this a winter weapon and just suck it up in the summer with a higher SPF...just a word to the wise.

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