Anyhoo, all this heat and sunshine has got me thinking of one of my most trusted beauty weapons- SUNSCREEN of course! Now I know you are all sick to death of hearing it from me and every other beauty type out there but sunscreen really is the #1 thing you can do for your skin. It prevents fine lines and wrinkles and of yeah- skin cancer. It should be your best friend. So today I bring you a sunscreen related POTW.
Lubriderm Daily Moisture with SPF 15 Lotion - $8.29 (Drugstores nationwide and online at

So here is the time-saver that does it all- gets you what you need for moisture, protects you and does so in an affordable way. It really is the best of the the lotion/SPF combos out there.
I LOVE this stuff!!
Keep looking fabulous,
P.S. If you do live somewhere with lots of sunny days- you may want to consider this a winter weapon and just suck it up in the summer with a higher SPF...just a word to the wise.
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