As some of you might remember a little while ago I did a post about Being True Cosmetics. They were having a giveaway in conjunction with Daily Candy and I wrote a little blurb about it and how you - my BGND readers - could get your hands on one of the free items.
Well here it is, roughly a month after I wrote that post and I am LOVING the Anti-Aging Youth Revealing Complex that I got in the free giveaway. Some things to know about this wonder item...

1) It is not cheap - the bottle runs $110 for 30 ML - in other words - this is what I like to call an INVESTMENT product.
2) It is gentle yet effective. I have had no stinging, no reactions of any kind other than feeling and seeing this product work.
3) My skin is smoother, more supple, softer, full of moisture and loving all the good stuff in this product (Mainly an anti-ager called Idebenone- which I think sounds like a trendy celebrity baby name.)
4) The color of this serum is bright yellow and stays yellow a bit on your skin even after it has been applied and rubbed in- odd but true. It doesn't stain your pillowcase or anything like that but don't be alarmed if you look a little jaundice-y for 3-5 minutes after you use it.
Anyway, I am very happy with this product and would highly recommend it for anyone looking for a new serum and not happy with what they have found over at their local Sephora. Also, Being True has a huge collection of other products - not just skin care but make-up as well (and the prices on cosmetics are more in the department store range).
Keep looking fab,
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