Dear BGND,
I have really done it this time! I went out Friday night with my face looking fabulous, had a few drinks, a few appetizers and when I woke up on Saturday - I had a huge zit had appeared overnight!! I HATE THAT.
Well, I just couldn't leave it alone and I picked at it. I did it. I mean I REALLY did it. What was a relatively normal pimple (now that I look back at it) has turned into a scary, scabby, VERY obvious resident of my chin.
Help, I have a date and it would be nice if it didn't feel like my date was looking at it the whole time. How can I cover it? Oh yeah, and can I do it without looking like I have a ton of cover up on?
Help me BGND!
Picking fool in Pasadena
Dear Picker,
Oh girl...I have SO been there! I would like to think that I am immune to the picking instinct and that I always do the appropriate thing when it comes to the occasional inflamation of a pore. Well sadly, BGND is human. I have also found myself thinking "Why, oh why did I touch this? It is so much worse now then before! ARGH!!!!!"
Well, because of these momentary times of weakness I have had to concoct a cover-up method that I am comfortable with and is BGND approved. So here you have it Picker, my time proven method for covering up a pimple.
1) After washing and drying and applying your normal face lotion/sunscreen, try to exfoliate any dry skin surrounding the pimple (for techniques on this, please reference the BGND blog from 9/23/08 - Item #2).
2) Take a coverup stick or coverup paste in the color of your choice and apply on top of the pimple and a bit around the surrounding area. With clean fingers, gently blend.
3) Use a liquid concealer in color of your choice and apply on top of the pimple and surrounding area and blend this liquid with your fingers and mix it with the coverup stick/paste that you have already applied.
4) Dip a q-tip in loose translucent powder and apply to the area. I find it is better to tap the powder on top of the pimple to set. If you rub you will just remove some of the work you have just done.
5) Continue with the rest of your daily routine- foundation, powder what have you....
6) If after you have finished the rest of your face you feel that the pimple is still visible, repeat steps 2-4 on top of the rest of your make-up.
This layering method has worked for me time and time again and is what I have found to be best in terms of good coverage and layering without looking like you have a pound of concealer on one tiny little pimple.
My tools of choice?
Benefit It Stick - $20 (Benefit counters nationwide, and online at Benefitcosmetics.com and Sephora.com)
Laura Mercier Eye Basics in Wheat - $24 (Laura Mercier counters nationwide and online at LauraMercier.com and Sephora.com)
Almay Nearly Naked Loose Powder - $11.99 (Drugstore nationwide and online at Drugstore.com)
So Picker, there you have it. Have a great time on your date (pimple successfully hidden!) and try to fight the urge next time.
We can do it together!!!
Keep Looking Fabulous!
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