The Macy's Believe Campaign
Macy's is teaming up with the Make-A-Wish Foundation this holiday season to help grant the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses everywhere. The Macy's campaign is called "A Million Reasons to Believe" and it is beautifully simple and easy to take part in. Simply write a short letter to Santa and then drop off the stamped letter addressed to Santa at the North Pole in the official RH Macy Santa Mail Letter Boxes in all Macy's stores. For every letter stamped and addressed to Santa at the North Pole, Macy's will contribute $1 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation (up to 1 million dollars). To see the official MAW website dedicated to the Believe campaign - here you go : http://www.wish.org/help/macy_s_believe.
A actual sample letter from a child:
Dear Santa,
This is Emily. I can't wait for Christmas this year! My cancer is gone and I have great presents to give to my family.
Christmas is always about how much you get, but how much you give. There are not many things I want this year because I already received the best gift.
I can't wait to see all the lights and Christmas trees! This time of year is so beautiful and magical!
I hope no one's been naughty this year!
That last line is classic! I a big supporter of MAW and have seen firsthand what they are capable of doing and how they change the lives of children with life-threatening illnesses and their family and friends. Sadly in recession times, charities and volunteer organizations often lose a lot of funding since to many who donate and support these organizations the funding they give is an "non-necessity" expense and something they can eliminate in hard times.
So get out there and write a letter to Santa. You can drop it off on your way to the MAC counter and it is a great, low cost way for you to make a difference.

Keep looking fabulous,
P.S. Here is the link to the Macy's Believe website : http://www.macysbelieve.com/#/Home?ga=MakeAWish
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