Hey BGND readers- I am back!!
Sorry for the lack of posts last week...with family in town and hosting the big day of food at our place, the week was INSANE. However I am back, post-Turkey and ready to give you your BGND fix on this first day of December. So what is my first December post about? What products am I loving post-Thanksgiving?
Cellulite cream of course! (hahaha...I couldn't help myself.)
Now granted, it is winter time, so depending on where you live you are probably bundled up and no one but you, your roommates and perhaps a love interest are seeing you in your skivvies. Well, the sight of myself in skivvies is enough - yikes!! One too many helpings of stuffing and my thighs and backside need some serious help. In general, I think expensive cellulite creams are really not worth the money. We all know that they only way to get rid of the majority of cellulite is to tone up and lose some weight. However, 85% of women have cellulite- and it doesn't matter if you are Uma Thurman or someone who does not look so killer in a bikini- cellulite will strike young and old, thin and heavy. (I am not going to post any cellulite pics today- we all know what it looks like and those celebs with "cellulite" look pretty damn good to me and they are picked apart enough!)
So even though genetics has a lot to do with it, and even if you are skinny, you sometimes still have cellulite, there are some creams that can help tone and tighten the surface of your skin. No cream is going to get rid of cellulite but they can make the appearance of it slightly better. So here are my budget friendly picks for cellulite cream. Have fun but please don't rush out and spend crazy amounts of $ on cellulite creams. Go with something cheaper that works well and you will be satisfied - besides your roommates/love interest like you just the way you are!
For the multi-tasker:
Suave Firming Moisturizer - $4.49 (Drugstores and online nationwide)
This lotion is fantastic. First of all, it has a key anti-cellulite ingredient- seaweed extract. It is inexpensive, it works like a dream and it smells great- YES please!!
For the Budget babe:
Soap and Glory Slimwear Puff-Draining Peptide Balm - $13 (Target Nationwide and online at Target.com and Amazon.com)
This lotion uses the same techniques that eye creams use to de-puff bags, but applies it to your saddlebags - haha- I am full of jokes today - I know! Seriously though, this lotion held it's own when compared with others 5 times the cost.

For the Sleep-on-it gal:
Bliss Fat Girl Sleep - $38 (Sephora nationwide and online at Amazon.com and blissworld.com)
This thick pot of gold comes stocked with lotus extract (comparable to caffeine's tightening tricks) and algae. You rub this one is for 30 seconds and then sleep on it. A night time massage that helps reduce the appearance of those dimples- LOVE IT.
So there you have it kids- my picks for the best cellulite reducing (and by that I mean reducing the appearance ) creams out there. If you want to go out on your own and test some out - please do and report back! Just remember, I do not recommend spending more than $40 and make sure you look for something that has caffeine, algae, seaweed, lotus extract or peptides.
Keep looking fabulous!
Annie- You are amazing! I thought I would check out your blog- because I hadn't done so in a while- and you've really amassed quite the collection of postings. What's more, as of this comment, you've had more than 700 visitors. Nice job!
You should know that another blogger completely copied this article and posted it as their own. You can find it here http://choosepetroleumjelly.blogspot.com/2008/12/food-induced-coma.html . They copied multiple postings of mine and other bloggers as well. You can report them for copyright infringement. I have reported them and hope others will do the same. Thanks, Poppy (RaShell Keller)
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