Happy Monday Morning all you BGNDers!
Did you watch the Golden Globes last night? I did, but I must admit that I tivoed it so I could fast forward through the boring parts...and I was still in bed by midnight!
When watching all of these award shows I am always astonished by the parade of beautiful people and all the hard work it takes to maintain those kind of ridiculous looks. And yet as pleased as I am by the beautiful gowns and elegant tuxedos, I am usually more astounded by the people who have everything to work with and yet still look like a mess!
Since I am keeping this blog positive, (let's face it - there is enough negativity on the Internet), I am simply going to be talking about my favorite looks from last night and not ripping on anyone who looked less than perfect. I mean even celebrities are human right?
The award for best overall look:
Kate Winslet
She has always been one of my favorite actresses and last night she took home not one but two GGs AND looked AMAZING. I mean seriously- she was flawless. And this was without Botox or work being done...she showed aging gracefully is the best way to look great.
Her hair is fantastic, her dress is stunning and best of all, she looks glamorous and glowing but still manages to look natural. I love the deep lips matched with glowing skin and a slight smoke in the eye. Perfect.
The award for most age appropriate goes to:
Kate Capshaw
Stephen Speilberg gave a great speech while he accepted his Cecil B Demille award and yet all I could think was, Kate Capshaw looks FANTASTIC. Great hair, great skin and best of all..she looked age appropriate. As always with awards shows, there were more than a few ladies who looked much older/much younger than they should. Kate was not one of these. She looked her age and rocked it. Who knows if she has had work done but I give her major credit for coming out and having her hair, make-up and dress show a mature woman who has lived life. Kudos.
(Sorry I don't have a picture for this one....)
The award for best post-breakup look:
Rachel Evan Wood
Move over Anne Hathaway, there is a new single gal in town. ERW was very Goth while she was with Marilyn Manson and somehow it never really fit. Her hair/skin are naturally light and the dark hair, crimson lipstick and pale skin (ala Dita Von Teese - who always looks amazing) that she worked while with Manson never seemed the right fit. It looked like she was playing dress-up. Last night however, the real ERW was out in force.

More natural skin color, hair slowly being brought back to life, plus icy cool eyes and a nice rosy lip color. Well played ERW, well played.
Award for best surprise stunner of the night:
Laura Linney
I love Laura. She is a fantastic actress and seems like an intelligent, real woman. Last night I thought she looked better than she ever has. Happy, glowy and at ease. In the past, I have thought she was never really comfortable at big award shows and as a result she never let herself shine but last night she came to the party and was no wallflower.

Sorry I couldn't find a shot of LL all alone but what can you do? Her skin is smooth and glowing, her make-up is beautiful...it brings her color and shine but she is not overdoing anything. She looks fantastic plain and simple. She personifies a California girl doing black tie. Many a younger starlet could take a hint from her look.
Award for most naturally stunning:
Tie- Beyonce and Eva Longoria
Both of these naturally beautiful ladies have been known to go overboard in the past. But last night, they both brought their A-game and let their natural beauty do the talking. Beyonce's jewels/dress, and Eva's striking red satin gown spoke volumes and with their simple make-up, their true elegance came through. Two of the best looks of the night, by far.
http://www.eonline.com/photos/gallery.jsp?galleryUUID=aed8be8b-80c5-4a46-bb7e-4664208d2d16#20c45fd0-6e50-471a-8c50-daa302b4a1c6 - Beyonce's look
http://www.eonline.com/photos/gallery.jsp?galleryUUID=aed8be8b-80c5-4a46-bb7e-4664208d2d16#321b12c3-6bdb-4611-96f1-878e4a6cc438 - Eva's look
These 5 ladies are of course only the tip of the beauty ice berg. Other honorable mentions that I think would make a great elegant look for anyone looking for some glamour:
Mary Louise Parker
Elizabeth Banks
Melissa George
Eva Mendes
Jennifer Westfeldt
January Jones
Kyra Sedgwick
Sandra Bullock
Kristin Scott Thomas
The only negative comments I will make about last night?
1 - What was with all the messy hair? I understand you are going for a no-muss/no-fuss look. But at least look like you have run a brush through your mane. Many many ladies would have looked 100% instead of 60% if their hair had been under control.
2 -Okay men. I love a little scruffy facial hair. It gives you that slightly rugged, bad boy look. However, it does not work on everyone and there is a fine line between 1-2 days of scruff and looking like a mountain Yeti. Jake Gyllenhaal- well done. You men with no razor in sight- you know who you are!!
Alright readers- that is my GG wrap up for 2009.
Keep looking fabulous,
P.S. The BGND "best of" list is coming...it is just taking me a bit longer than I expected to compile everything. Sorry for the delay!!