Her hair is fantastic, her dress is stunning and best of all, she looks glamorous and glowing but still manages to look natural. I love the deep lips matched with glowing skin and a slight smoke in the eye. Perfect.
The award for most age appropriate goes to:
Kate Capshaw
Stephen Speilberg gave a great speech while he accepted his Cecil B Demille award and yet all I could think was, Kate Capshaw looks FANTASTIC. Great hair, great skin and best of all..she looked age appropriate. As always with awards shows, there were more than a few ladies who looked much older/much younger than they should. Kate was not one of these. She looked her age and rocked it. Who knows if she has had work done but I give her major credit for coming out and having her hair, make-up and dress show a mature woman who has lived life. Kudos.
(Sorry I don't have a picture for this one....)
The award for best post-breakup look:
Rachel Evan Wood
Move over Anne Hathaway, there is a new single gal in town. ERW was very Goth while she was with Marilyn Manson and somehow it never really fit. Her hair/skin are naturally light and the dark hair, crimson lipstick and pale skin (ala Dita Von Teese - who always looks amazing) that she worked while with Manson never seemed the right fit. It looked like she was playing dress-up. Last night however, the real ERW was out in force.
More natural skin color, hair slowly being brought back to life, plus icy cool eyes and a nice rosy lip color. Well played ERW, well played.
Award for best surprise stunner of the night:
Laura Linney
I love Laura. She is a fantastic actress and seems like an intelligent, real woman. Last night I thought she looked better than she ever has. Happy, glowy and at ease. In the past, I have thought she was never really comfortable at big award shows and as a result she never let herself shine but last night she came to the party and was no wallflower.
Sorry I couldn't find a shot of LL all alone but what can you do? Her skin is smooth and glowing, her make-up is beautiful...it brings her color and shine but she is not overdoing anything. She looks fantastic plain and simple. She personifies a California girl doing black tie. Many a younger starlet could take a hint from her look.
Award for most naturally stunning:
Tie- Beyonce and Eva Longoria
Both of these naturally beautiful ladies have been known to go overboard in the past. But last night, they both brought their A-game and let their natural beauty do the talking. Beyonce's jewels/dress, and Eva's striking red satin gown spoke volumes and with their simple make-up, their true elegance came through. Two of the best looks of the night, by far.
http://www.eonline.com/photos/gallery.jsp?galleryUUID=aed8be8b-80c5-4a46-bb7e-4664208d2d16#20c45fd0-6e50-471a-8c50-daa302b4a1c6 - Beyonce's look
These 5 ladies are of course only the tip of the beauty ice berg. Other honorable mentions that I think would make a great elegant look for anyone looking for some glamour:
Mary Louise Parker
Elizabeth Banks
Melissa George
Eva Mendes
Jennifer Westfeldt
January Jones
Kyra Sedgwick
Sandra Bullock
Kristin Scott Thomas
The only negative comments I will make about last night?
1 - What was with all the messy hair? I understand you are going for a no-muss/no-fuss look. But at least look like you have run a brush through your mane. Many many ladies would have looked 100% instead of 60% if their hair had been under control.
2 -Okay men. I love a little scruffy facial hair. It gives you that slightly rugged, bad boy look. However, it does not work on everyone and there is a fine line between 1-2 days of scruff and looking like a mountain Yeti. Jake Gyllenhaal- well done. You men with no razor in sight- you know who you are!!
Alright readers- that is my GG wrap up for 2009.Keep looking fabulous,
P.S. The BGND "best of" list is coming...it is just taking me a bit longer than I expected to compile everything. Sorry for the delay!!
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