But is chocolate to blame for your recent flare-ups? I always get questions about what food will really make you break out. Does eating chocolate or french fries really have anything to do with it? Or is it all about skin care and genetics?
Well truth be told, from all of my years of skin up and downs and the dermatologists I have peppered with questions and the facialists I have worn down with interrogation....I know a few things to be true.
1 - Contrary to popular belief, chocolate and fried foods will not make you break out. Now don't get me wrong, you are what you eat and you will look better everywhere if you try to get your fruits and veggies in. But an occasional Hershey's bar or small fry from McDonald's are not going to send you running for the ProActive. However, there are a few "trigger" foods that can cause slight allergic reactions or reddening of the skin (not necessarily acne).
Some of those culprits:
Dairy (Cow only)
Red Wine
Overly Spicy Foods
If you have a more severe reaction than a mild rash- go see someone PRONTO. But if these foods just make you look splotchy- they should be avoided (unless you are willing to take the rash for the taste.) But if you are truly allergic- do not mess around...go see someone...I am only a product junkie- not a doctor.
One random food I have noticed will make me break out - MANGO. Legitimately I always get a few zits from this delish fruit.
2 - The number one trigger of acne? Hormones. This goes for everyone, young and old. So if you are someone who has noticeably worse skin that before or skin problems you never had - think about the hormonal changes you have had recently. They are most likely your culprit.
Now that I am getting older there are a few things I am noticing. My skin is changing - partly for the better, partly for the worst. I have fewer breakouts but more fine lines. One major change is the location of my acne.
It's favorite spot? My chin and around my mouth. I never really used to get acne here but after some research and badgering those facialists and derms as mentioned above- I got my answer. Hormones. And sure enough, at the end of my cycle every month I get a few on my chin. Some months it is better than others and there is not too much I can do about it. Personally, my skin is best if I let these things run their course without picking, prodding and trying to beat them into submission.
If you do need an attack weapon? I recommend:
Mario Badescu Skin Drying Lotion - $17 (Online at MarioBadescu.com and at most Nordstroms nationwide)

3 - The best thing you can do for your skin? Exercise and drink water. Be healthy in general. What you do to keep yourself healthy in general applies to your skin and everywhere else on your body. Less stress from working out will lead to less breakouts. More water in your system will make everything run more smoothly. And get some sleep. We all know the difference a good night's sleep can make to your whole sense of well being.
So there you have it- a post Valentine's day skin wrap-up. Keep looking fabulous and may you enjoy love in your life everyday of the year!
1 comment:
hey BG
we missed you! hope you had a great mini-vaca and LOVE the post today...lots of good info!
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