I think it is pretty smart to apply that thought to skin care as well as other aspects of life. While we age - of course there are things in our skin care process that are going to be tossed to the wind but there are others that we should think about keeping around. Here are some of my old school favorites and some old school favorites that really should stay in the past - Enjoy!
Good old practices and products:
- Home made masks (cheap and effective and to use today's terms - natural and sometimes organic!!) (And FYI- here is a link with TONS of masks - http://www.wittyliving.com/recipes/facial-mask-recipes.html)
- Ponds Cold Cream (Now I will admit this is not right for everyone - it can be too greasy for some, but use this to take off makeup, follow up with a warm wash cloth and wash your face afterwards and it will do the job of many a more expensive face cream).
- Pin curls (They work and the curl stays. Thinner hair can wash, pin small sections all over your head and just go to bed. For thicker hair I recommend a partial day (otherwise your hair will never dry) and then pin things up and then go to bed.)
- VO5 hot oil (shiny and fabulous results).
- Classic Chapstick (cheap and effective - two of BGND's favorite things).
Scary old practices and products:
- Sea Breeze astringent (some nail places use this as a sterilizer - enough said).
- Toothpaste on a pimple (trust me - not a good idea for your skin - can even cause potential scarring).
- The whole mayonnaise as hair moisturizer thing (really - its just gross).
- And the number one sin of youth - picking a pimple - PLEASE - DO NOT PICK at your face!! I know it is tempting...but it takes almost 3 times as long for a pimple to heal if you have poked, prodded and made it more infected than it already is....
So - if you want to look like this forever......

But avoid looking like this.....

Hehe - just kidding but you know what I mean - and hey Rose looks good at any age!!
Keep looking fabulous,
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