1) Astringent/Toner
Astringent is really a hold over from a time when products were much simpler. Back in the day there was not a lot of anti-aging in face care and needless to say the choices were much smaller (think Neutrogena Face Bar, Noxzema, Sea Breeze and Ponds). For most women, astringent simply does not need to be a part of your process. For one thing, astringent is mainly an exfoliant and we are all getting that in other ways (or should be!) Whether it be through our face wash with microbeads, facial peels or any other number of sources, we are well exfoliated. Also, a lot of astringents unnecessarily dry out your skin and strip natural oils making you look OLDER and can potentially conflict with all the anti-agers we use. My one exception to this rule is Clinique 3-step skin care. If you are using one of their toners and your skin is in good shape and you like the program, keep going. But for the rest of you, don't feel like you need astringent/toner. Most likely you do not.
2) Callous razors at the nail salon
I used to be a junky for this fun little part of a pedicure - whether the extra cost be $2 or $5. BEWARE. These razors are not your friend...they are unhealthy, unsafe and ultimately do not work. Those callouses will come back and then the cycle begins again. Instead of bringing germs to your feet in a very real way, simply purchase a pumice stone at your local drugstore and use it for 30 seconds on each foot in the shower daily with some gently cleanser. Add the PedEgg I have told you about before if you have seriously callous feet and the combination will ensure soft, touchable, safely clean feet. Plus you won't be adding a 25% surcharge every time you go to get your mani/pedi.
3) Lip Exfoliators
This is one of the silliest products out there. If you have flaky lips you can take care of them in some simple ways. Get some good old fashioned chapstick, Carmex or even petroleum jelly and apply each morning and before you go to bed at night. And of course, apply as needed through the day. As far as true lip flaking goes, if you have this issue all you need is your toothbrush. Brush gently when lips and brush are dry or with petroleum jelly (although this can gunk up your toothbrush.) Don't overdo it , but a little of this can take care of most lip exfoliation issues. After brushing, use some of that chapstick and you will be good to go.
4) Expensive Shampoo
If you look at the back of most shampoo bottles, the ingredients are nearly the same. Now this isn't to say that some shampoos don't work better than others...they do. But you do not need to spend $30 on a 12oz bottle of shampoo. You can find something that smells nice and works for under $10 and in some cases, under $3. Play around, find something you like but don't buy your salon's shampoo just because you feel like you need to. You can get something cheaper that will work just as well and you won't up the cost of your haircut by a third.
5) Those all-in-one facial wipes
You know the kind I am talking about...the "facial" in a cloth? If you are lazy/tired and can't be bothered to wash your face - fine - this is better than nothing. But honestly, the cost of these for the amount of use you get out of them is just not worth it. Plus, I am just not sold on their ability to clean. Sure, they will take off your make-up but as for getting in there and cleaning out those pores, I am not convinced. You are better off with a wash cloth and a bar of soap.
So go forth my friends with less product in your bathroom and more money in your pocket...
Keep looking fabulous!
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