Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Good vibrations

Well kids, I am sure you have seen the ads...I am sure you have seen the inserts...I am sure you heard the buzz - literally.

I am of course talking about the newest make-up fad on the market- "Vibrating Mascara". Now if you have not heard of this new fancy invention you may be thinking - "wtf"? Well let me tell you I have heard nothing but raves. The concept is simple, your mascara wand vibrates as you use it thereby depositing more mascara on your lashes but doing so without clumps and without your hand getting tired from the application of 15 coats per lash. It is new and fancy and the latest trick out there to get you ridiculously long lashes.

I have not tried out the vibrating wands yet but like I said, I have heard nothing but major kuddos. My one biggest complaint? The price tag! Of course for a make-up implement to be actually mechanical one cannot assume that the price will be under $20 (but BGND can dream!)

The best reviewed vibrating mascaras on the market?

Lancome Oscillation - $34 (Lancome counters nationwide and online at

Now first things first- $34 - OUCH! That is some pricey lash ink! However, the brush literally oscillates to coat each and every lash from every angle and good old Lancome is known and thought by many to be THE industry standard when it comes to mascara. So in BGND's opinion, go big or go home. If you are looking to try out this (somewhat ridiculous) new invention - go with the grandaddy of them all.

Now I am not totally sold on the necessity of this kind of mascara - I have my good old fashioned favorites. However, make-up shouldn't be safe or have boundaries so I like that this is an out-of-the-box idea and I am going to roll with it.

So BGND readers, if you do pick up some of this mascara or any of the other vibrating brands- report- let me know what you think and let the great vibrate debate begin!

Keep looking fabulous!


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