Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's Not Easy Being Green...

Ah, going "green"...oh so trendy, oh so of the moment....oh so not something people are really doing. Yes of course, we have our canvas shopping bags and we have started using those energy saving light bulbs- all worthwhile efforts.
But have you ever really stopped and thought about what your product addiction is doing to the environment? If you are like me, you buy many different things and a lot come double wrapped in plastic with fancy eye-catching packaging.

Well remember, you CAN recycle all of those containers although you may not think so....seriously, even the little plastic tubes and tubs your eye cream comes in can be recycled. And of course, your shampoo and conditioner bottles, your shaving cream cans..these days most things can be reduced and reused.

So today, here are my top 5 tips for going "green" when it comes to your cosmetics...
(On a side note - I am not going to address the chemical implications of cosmetic companies and trying to be organic - that is a topic for a different day.)

1- Recycle within your favorite brands and companies
Many brands out there will offer incentive programs for bringing back empty containers of their products. Often times you will get a discount or a free refill but even if not, it makes you feel good. I am aware that M.A.C. and Aveda both offer recycling programs and I know many other companies out there do as well. So if you have a favorite brand, check out their website, ask a sales clerk- you never know what do-gooding possibilities lie within the walls of your favorite store.

2 - Buy in Bulk
Now we all know Costco is a dangerous/glorious place when trying to curb your crazy over-consumption. However, if there are things that you always use- your bathroom staples if you will - that are available at Costco or Sam's Club...there is really no reason not to buy them in bulk. You will save money on the price of the product, you will be using and recycling one large container instead of many little ones and you will be saving gas on fewer trips to the drugstore (oh- and saving money by going to the drugstore less and therefore buying less impulse purchases!)

3 - Packaging, packaging, packaging
Don't judge a book by it's cover and don't buy something just because it is wrapped up in a nice little bow. I am victim to buying something that has more packaging than usual because it comes with a "free gift" attached...and guess what, I never use that free gift and off it goes into the garbage full of product instead of into the recycling bin empty. So although it goes without saying, look for products that are not wrapped when not necessary - why does lipstick need to be in plastic on cardboard? It doesn't - try to shop for companies that recognize this.

4 - Disposable probably means disposable in your routine as well
You all know my feelings on the "facial in a cloth" - unnecessary. The same can be said for most "one-use" beauty products. Don't use individual exfoliation pads- use a reusable washcloth. Try to use the replaceable razors, not the all in one disposables. There are tons of "one-use" items on the market and almost all of them are cheaper and better for the environment in their original form- in bottle or can with washcloth or good old fashioned bare hand application.

5 - Think outside the box
You can save money and the environment by thinking outside the box. My biggest shower change this year? I went back to good old Dove soap and a washcloth instead of the shower gel and poof. Now I recycle the cardboard the soap comes in and can wash the washcloth over and over again. All this = very little waste. Shower gel comes in a plastic bottle that cannot be refilled and shower poofs go straight into the garbage when tired and worn out. And the cycle of buying the poof and the gel just keeps going. All that = lots of waste. This one change has allowed me to reduce my consumption (and save money) in a big way.

Now don't get me wrong - BGND is not perfect...never have been, never will be. But I can try to be green whenever possible so I am making a real difference in my home, not just by showing off my canvas bag at the grocery store.

Keep looking fabulous!

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