Available nationwide at drugstores - $2.99
2 - Love your cuticles
This goes hand in hand with the #1 tip on this post. Just like it says above, if your nails are dry they will break. Keeping your cuticles soft and moisturized will also go a long way in keeping your nails healthy and growing. The easiest way to achieve happy cuticles takes only a minute a day. To deal with this at night - rub cuticle cream into your nails before bed and then follow with a hand moisturizer. Or if you prefer to add that minute to your morning routine - rub some cuticle oil into your nail bed right before you get into your shower. I have found that the heat and steam of the shower will allow the oil to soak in as you get into the shower and even the 2 minutes before the oil comes into contact with your shower soaps will allow for some great moisturizing benefits. For your morning cuticle oil I recommend Sally Hansen Vitamin E Nail and Cuticle Oil. For your nighttime cuticle fix, I recommend Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream (shown below).
Online at burtsbees.com or at drugstores nationwide- $6.00
3) You are what you eat - and that goes for your nails too!
I love junk food. And when I over do it- my nails suffer. However, I always can tell when I have been really good with my eating because my nails look fantastic. If I am eating my fruits and veggies and drinking my water, my nails are healthy, shiny and long. It is an easy fix to your nail issues. Observe how your eating coordinates with your nails and you will see what I am talking about. Good for your body, your health and your nail growth!
So those are my top three major tips but some other good and easy ideas to keep your nails on the path to amazing status are below:
- Keep a nail file in your purse, in your car, easily reachable at home, in your desk at work etc.....That way every time you do have a break or a snag you can file in softly and not pick at it or peel the break away. If you file you are gently solving the issue, if you peel at a snag you will cause more tears and more damage to your nail.
- Treat your nails like they are already fabulous. File them, buff them, protect them everyday. Ask your lunch mate to open your can of soda and don't bite or chew on those nails. The better you treat your nails, the better they will be.
- Every time you wash your hands, follow up with hand cream. Constant washing is one of the easiest ways to damage your nails and strip them of moisture. Same can be said for those hand sanitizers....so if you are washing moisture off- replace it.
Well Breaking in Boston, I wish you luck. Hard, strong nails are difficult to achieve but well worth it and I think the tips on today's post will get your there.
Keep looking fabulous!
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