So yesterday there was an article posted on Yahoo from this guy telling everyone drastic measures they could use to save $20,000-$30,000 a year. Some of the advice was great, some of it just not realistic. However, it did get me thinking. I know that I have already posted lots of budget-saver/recession themed posts. But what are some "out of the box" ideas that I already incorporate into my life but have not told you, my loyal readers about yet? Well, it turns out there are lots!
So here are 10 ideas for you to save a bunch of $ on products and services every year. Now I can't promise you $20,000 like the gentleman from yesterday's article but I won't ask you to live off the grid either!
1 - Stop buying shave cream/shave gel
Yes it gives us a closer shave and it smells delish and makes our legs soft. But it is an overpriced not necessary beauty item. Use a bar of soap (Dove works great to get you a good lather and still moisturize) and you will be fine.
2 - Wash your hair every other day
Some of you may already be doing this and if you are- bravo! It is a hard habit to get used to, but when you do not only will you reap the benefits of using half the shampoo you were before, but your hair will be healthier. I have very fine hair and when I don't wash it every day it looks pretty greasy by 5pm. HOWEVER, I have learned to embrace the second day up-do. I put my hair up in some kind of fun bun or messy ponytail in the morning and leave it be. I ALWAYS get compliments on my second day hair (go figure!) and I beat the grease/obvious dirty factor by putting it up first thing in the am, and leaving it alone.
3 - Think in terms of the earth and refill don't re-buy
Are you one of those folks who buys a new hand soap every time your little container in the bathroom runs out? Or do you buy brand new mini sized shampoos, conditioners and lotions every time you make a trip? SHAME! Buy big bottles of what you need and then re-fill whatever small bottles you have. That bathroom soap will work just as well if the contents came from a giant 64oz refill bottle. And there are tons of cute empty travel containers on the market. Invest the $5-$10, get yourself a set and then when you travel you will be using your own products that work on you, not what you could find in miniature.
4 - Think in terms of the earth - part two - buy in bulk
Now sometimes Costco and Sams Club do not offer the best prices. But in their beauty department they often do. So find yourself a friend who likes the same hair product, soap, lotion whatever and hit the bulk aisle together. You will each save some money and will have a lasting supply meaning less trips to the drugstore. You can also buy a couple giant containers and then refill smaller ones that fit in your shower (similar to above).
5 - Work those sales
Lately I have taken to checking out the weekly circular. I have a new motto of not buying anything at the grocery store unless it is on sale. You can have this same attitude with beauty products. CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid - they all often have deals of buy one/get one, or buy one get one 50% off. Take advantage of these sales and save big. Also, shop around. Just because the drugstore right by your house is where you always go that doesn't mean you save the most going there. Don't waste gas driving all over town, but you may have another store on one of your regular routes with better prices. Scour the Internet for even more deals. If you don't need it right away but will eventually, find it online on sale with no shipping costs and save.
6 - Get more bang for your buck
When you do have to make a full price purchase- try to get the most out of it you can. We all know that the counters have "gift with purchase" events every other day. The trick is to go to those events only when you need something. If you are running out of face wash and know that Clinique is having an event, go get your face wash even if you still have 1/4 bottle left. That way at least you get some free samples and you are buying something you were going to buy anyway. But if you wait to show up when your face wash is gone, the free samples may be gone too.
Now a word to the wise. USE those samples. Even if you only use 1/2 of what you were given, you have still saved. Most of the samples in these giveaways are best sellers so they are worth having.
Also, there are tons of free samples available daily on line. Whether through an outlet like drugstore.com or Sephora or through an actual product site. Google and see what you get.
7 - Go Old School
Some of the most effective and wonderful products with a proven track record are forgotten in today's sensory overload beauty world.
Pond's Cold Cream- amazing and only $4.49.
Nivea Body Lotion - $4.19.
Johnson's Baby Shampoo - $5.49.
Things don't need to be fancy to work.
8 - Treat yourself every other month
If you must still go out for a mani/pedi or wax or whatever your beauty treatment ritual is - don't worry. I know for a lot of people, mom's especially, this is your private time away, out of the house to just do something for yourself. So if you still need this time away, go every other month or skip every other treatment, whatever your time line. When I am cash scrapped, I maintain with my tweezers and go get my eyebrows waxed every other month. It really adds up. The same can be done with nails, hair color whatever. There are plenty of products out right now designed to bridge the salon visits. Use them and save hundreds of dollars a year.
9 - Give a student a chance
Are you willing to not go to the same place every time you get your nails done? Are you adventurous with your haircuts? If so, take advantage of the beauty schools in your area. I had a friend in NYC who used to go the Aveda training school and get a full head of color, with highlights, a cut and a blow out for $30!!! And she looked AMAZING. Now be careful and do some research lest you want to look like Frenchie with her pink hair in Grease. Make sure the reviews are good (check yelp, citysearch etc...) and then run to one of these training schools. You will be shocked to see that at the best schools there is often a wait list as long as at Warren Tricomi. This is because people know the treatments are good and are CHEAP. This can work for nails, hair, massage - you name it.
10 - Stay in
When you must indulge but can't afford to go out - make your own. We all have done at-home face masks at some point and that same idea can be translated to body and hair treatments as well. There are tons of recipes on the Internet for hair masks, shower scrubs made with simple kitchen ingredients- whatever you want. Find your new favorite at home scrub, save some money and help the environment in the process!
There you go ladies and gents. Hopefully these were some new ideas for you and if not maybe they just reminded you that just because we are all cutting back doesn't mean we have to look like it!
Keep looking fabulous,
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