Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pop go the eyes!!

So my good friend Anne always hooks me up with free stuff - she has some killer connections! And since she is a very tan blonde and I am a very pale brunette - we don't use the same cosmetic colors and the ones she can't utilize get thrown my way.

Her most recent freebie is one that has been amazing since the first use....

Eyecake by POP Beauty - $19-$20 (see link below for locations)

I seriously have been blown away by this set. Not only are all the colors beautiful and perfectly coordinated AND they highlight whatever color eyes your momma gave you -best of all - they last.
Yup, you read that right- they actually last from when I put them on in the morning at 7am all the way through till 11pm when I am washing my face for bed (and yes that included going to the gym and sweating it up...). In a word- these eye shadows are solid quality. And what is most telling to me is the fact that when it is very early in the morning and I am staring at my make-up kit thinking I have nothing to use (you know the same feeling we all get in front of the closet) - I inevitably grab for this eyeshadow palette just like we all reach for that killer black dress. Yup - these eye shadows are that great.

Totally recommend this pack and a huge thank you to Anne for giving me my first taste of POP Beauty. I am already making a list of the other products I am going to try. So no worries POP- I will be paying money for these eye shadows and more soon enough!

If you are as into this new find as I am - click here and POP will hook you up with the retail location closest to you.

Keep looking fabulous,

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